Personalized tutoring at personalized prices

  • 1:1 lessons with individually assigned teachers
  • Customizable course packages
  • Flexible scheduling and rescheduling

Customize your subscription

Adjust your price by setting the frequency of the lessons and the duration of the package.


Contact us for a custom quote

Customized teaching packages

We help match your child with the right teacher per lesson, set how often lessons are held and customize the length of your subscription.

We support learning journeys for as long as they last. An active subscription can always be further customized.

Ιδιαίτερα μαθήματα ξένων γλωσσών
Flexible timetable

Online learning allows our teachers to be flexible and meet the needs of each student. Choose your child’s lesson times to suit your family life. Each lesson lasts 50 minutes.

Increase the frequency of lessons when an important test, exam or goal is coming up. You define the program and we take care of the rest.

Ιδιαίτερα μαθήματα ξένων γλωσσών

Do you want to become an educator?

Learn how we select teachers,
what qualifications are required and how much you can earn.